Your account: Where do you find what?

You can access's many features and functions using the navigation menu in your account.

When you log in to your account at , you are automatically directed to the E-mail (a) section.

From here, you can access the following functions and features:

  • Main features such as the Cloud, Contacts, and Organizer: Manage your documents and photos as well as your address book and appointments (b).
  • Other functions, including the color and language settings: Open the second part of the menu by clicking on More (c).
  • My Account: to change personal data such as your password, or to configure other security settings for your account, click on Account (d).
  • Email settings: to configure your email account to your preferences or to manage your current sessions, click on Settings (e) below the list of folders in the E-mail section.

Overview of your mailbox

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