You can use the built-in document viewer to open and view office documents directly in
your inbox without having to download them first. We support most common office file
To open a document, click an attachment and select Preview.
Please be careful and follow links in attached documents only when you trust the sender.
We value your privacy and cannot scan their content for malicious links.
Supported File Formats
Most common office formats are supported:
- Word processing (e.g. Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer: .doc, .docx, .dot,
.dotx, .odt, .txt, .rtf)
- Slide show presentations (e.g. Microsoft Powerpoint, LibreOffice Impress:
.ppt, .pptx, .odp)
- Spreadsheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc: .xls, .xlsx, .ods)
Supported Browsers
We support all common browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge / Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and newer (some issues)
- Opera
- Safari (some issues)
Please make sure you use the latest version of your browser. Previous versions
may produce unexpted results.
Limitations and troubleshooting
The document viewer is not meant to replace a classic office suite - it's a preview
tool. This comes with some limitations:
- Browsers on your mobile devices are not supported yet.
- You can view files, but you cannot edit them.
- Video and audio elements cannot be displayed.
- Macros/vba scripts are ignored.
- All content, especially animations, SmartArts, charts and most object effects
(e.g. 3D) can be displayed static and/or differently from the tool they were made
with. If in doubt, ask the sender to convert the file to the PDF format before
sending, or download and open them with the same program they were created
- Not all fonts are supported and may be replaced by similar ones.
- Password protected files cannot be displayed.
- Damaged files cannot be opened or repaired.
- Wrong or missing file type extensions (e.g. ".docx" when you actually have a