
You should be especially careful if you receive an email from a sender you do not recognize or from a strange email address. It could be a phishing email.

Phishing is a type of spam. A phishing email is a fake email from a company or government agency in which you are asked to click a link and log in with your account details. The link leads to a fake website and the information entered there is sent to the scammer. There are also phishing scams in which fake emails are sent in the name of

Tips for recognizing and dealing with phishing emails:

  • Check and compare the spelling of the sender's email address. Phishing emails often imitate legitimate senders, but some letters in the name are swapped.
  • Check the salutation. Are you addressed by name in the email, or just "Dear Customer", "Hello" or similar? If you are addressed by Mr./Ms. (Name), is the gender correct?
  • Is the spelling correct? Since phishing emails are usually sent to different countries, the text is often written using a translation program, which can result in obvious spelling mistakes.
  • Never click on links or respond to requests for personal information unless you are certain of the origin of the email.
  • Never open file attachments. This can lead to malware infiltrating your computer and, in the worst case, completely locking your system or deleting your data.
  • Be suspicious. Check the content of the text and do not believe everything you read.

If you suspect that you have received a phishing email from and would like to notify us, please use the contact form to check if the email from is phishing and to report it. If possible, please send us the information from the extended email header.

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