
Use the settings to personalize the functionality of the Cloud for Mac.

Here's how to access the settings:
  1. Click on the Cloud icon in the Mac taskbar.
  2. Click on Preferences....

The settings open in a separate window.
The following settings can be made under "General":
  • Choose "Save Workspace" to save all mounted volumes when quitting and restore the connections upon relaunch.
  • Choose whether the bookmarks should be displayed in small, medium or large icons.

The following settings can be made under "Sync":
  • Choose the Connect Mode. In "Online-mode" Changes to files and folders in the Cloud can only be made when your computer is connected to the internet. In "Smart Synchronization-mode" changes to files and folders in the Cloud can also be made when your computer is not connected to the internet.
  • Check "Index files" to enable the indexing of files and storage of metadata when your computer is not connected to the internet.
  • Check "Enable buffering" to enable the temporary buffering of file contents in a separate directory for a faster access.
  • Check "Lock files" to prevent files from being moved while editing them.
  • Define the directory in which you would like to store the cache files.

The following settings can be made under "Bandwidth":
  • Downloads: Choose between unlimited bandwidth or a bandwidth limit.
  • Uploads: Choose between unlimited bandwidth or a bandwidth limit.

The following settings can be made under "Connection":
  • Default protocol: Choose the dafault protocol (at the moment Cloud is pre-selected and cannot be changed).
  • Check "Use Keychain", to securely save passwords in the Keychain upon successful login.
  • Check "Confirm disconnect" to be asked before closing a connected browser window.
  • Set a timeout for opening connections.
  • Check "Repeat failed networking tasks".
  • Check "Use system proxy settings" to manually change proxy settings.
  • Check "Enable debug log" to store a detailed logfile in the "Appdata" directory.

Login Item
The following settings can be made under "Login Item":
  • Check "Enable Login Item" to open the Cloud for Mac application automatically on start-up or login.

The following settings can be made under "Update":
  • Check "Automatically check for updates", to be notified whenever a new version of the Cloud for Mac is available.

The following settings can be made under "Language":
  • Choose the language in which Cloud for Mac is being displayed.

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