Marking email

Use the buttons inside your mailbox and mark your email easier as spam, read or favorite to manage your email more precisely.

How to mark an email as spam

  1. Select the email in the inbox.
  2. Click the Spam button.

    How to mark an email as "Spam"

The email will then be moved into the Spam folder. Future email by that sender will automatically be considered spam.
How to mark an email as "No Spam"

  1. Select the email in the Spam folder.
  2. Click the No Spam button.

    How to mark an email as "No Spam"

The email will then be moved into the Inbox folder. Future email from that sender will no longer be considered spam.
How to mark an email as "Read"

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the unread email.
  2. Click the circle before the sender name.

    How to mark an email as "Read"

The sender name and date are no longer in bold. The email will no longer appear in the Unread email view.
How to mark an email as unread

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the read email.
  2. Click the circle before the sender name.

    How to mark an email as "Unread"

The sender name and date are in bold. The email appears in the Unread email view.
How to mark an email as a Favorite

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the appropriate email.
  2. Click the star to the right of the sender name.

    How to mark an email as a "Favorite"

The email appears in the Favorites view.
How to remove the favorite flag from an email

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the appropriate email.
  2. Click the star to the right of the sender name.

    How to mark an email as "Not a Favorite"

The email no longer appears in the Favorites view.

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